about Cynthia

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” ~ Robert Frost

Mother and yogi

I came to yoga in search of fitness and a respite from daily stress. At that time, I was the mother of two young children, I worked as a writer and communications consultant, and I had been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder that left me aching for grounding, positivity and calm. Yoga reawakened in me the exhilaration of movement and play, and worked magic on my sense of well-being, so I dove in deep.

Certified Teacher

I earned my first Hatha Yoga certification (2002) in order to share with others this exciting and powerful path, and the went on to complete an advanced certification from the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga. I teach in studio, private, corporate and festival settings, and direct two Ontario-based Teacher Training programs.

Life-long student

With two literature degrees and numerous certifications, it’s obvious I’m a dedicated fan of life-long learning. In addition chasing some off-the-beaten tracks, I continue to study yoga history, anatomy, therapeutics, meditation and philosophy with internationally recognized teachers, and completed my Functional Range Conditioning certification to help students (and myself) maintain and improve the active range of motion and stabilizing skills required for a healthy, life-long practice.


A love of language fuels my teaching. I feel strongly that carefully chosen words bring inspiration and resonance to the practice and everyday living. I write blogs and articles (books are in the works!), as well as freelance articles, website and marketing copy. I continue to help others find strong, creative voices with which to express themselves, as teachers and authors of their own lives.

Ecstatic being

I am grateful to my teachers and to my students for their dedication and willingness to laugh and learn. I want them to feel challenged and safe, invigorated and soothed by their time on their mats. I know from my own experience that the positive energy we cultivate in class continues to reflect in our thoughts, feelings and actions off the mat. I believe that we are meant to squeeze the juice of this precious life we are given and my highest intention is to support others in deep learning and ecstatic living.