
“Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences.” -Sylvia Plath

As a person who usually manages (despite some insecurity and shyness) to remain gregarious, optimistic and relatively in the thick of things, I recently reached a startling and perhaps alarming conclusion: When it comes to socializing, I am experiencing a deficit of skill and will....

Never in my living memory have the days been so long while the months have rolled by so quickly. I don't know about you, but there are times during the day when I catch myself clenching my teeth or tensing my abdomen and I need...

Covid-19 continues to plague the world, not just with illness but with more rules, more pressures, more doubts and fears. It's all serious stuff. My own lonely lock-down into prolonged self-study has brought me face to face with the unavoidable subjects of career planning, relationships,...

Unitasking. The opposite of multitasking, “unitasking” is doing one thing at a time, fully and completely. The frenetic pace of modern life and the barely-enough-time-to-get-it-all-done urgency with which we move through our days often cause us to forget or lose this vital skill. How many times...

As you all know, Covid-19 has had a dramatic impact on the entire health and wellness industry, from massage and physiotherapy clinics to personal trainers and yoga studios. Almost overnight, the resourceful shifted to online platforms, but for many practitioners and teachers whose careers depend...